WELCOME 2011 2010 2009



Miscellaneous photos from the year

Stopping for sandwiches after the Butter and Eggs parade
Watching the airshow during Fleet Week
We made it to a Giants game or two this year
Stopping for sandwiches after the Butter and Eggs parade Watching the airshow during Fleet Week We made it to a Giants game or two this year
At a Giants game. This is Amy G, who is a friend of our neighbor.
Making gingerbread houses
Dad's birthday at home
At a Giants game. This is Amy G, who is a friend of our neighbor. Making gingerbread houses Dad's birthday at home
Also, we ate in a place on the city for Dad's birthday
A good pic of the kids. Will is now taller than his sisters.
Also, we ate in a place on the city for Dad's birthday A good pic of the kids. Will is now taller than his sisters.