WELCOME 2011 2010 2009



This year, Ann's dad felt well enough to host the traditional McInnis Christmas outing at the Olympic Club. It's a grand night of dining, entertainment, and dancing.

Tom and Ann
Laura and Kathleen
Will looking cool
Tom and Ann Laura and Kathleen Will looking cool
Kathleen and Tom
Tom and Laura
Mary (Ann's sister) and Ann
Kathleen and Tom Tom and Laura Mary (Ann's sister) and Ann
Matt (Mary's son) and Stephanie
Loretta and Mike
The Gang (Tom, Loretta, Mike M, Mike S, Mary, Will, Kathleen, Matt, Laura, Ann)
Matt (Mary's son) and Stephanie Loretta and Mike The Gang (Tom, Loretta, Mike M, Mike S, Mary, Will, Kathleen, Matt, Laura, Ann)
Loretta, Mike, Will, Mary
Kathleen and Will
Will, Laura, Kathleen
Loretta, Mike, Will, Mary Kathleen and Will Will, Laura, Kathleen
Mary must tell funny jokes
Tom and Kathleen
Mary must tell funny jokes Tom and Kathleen