Below are other photos worth showing from the last 12 months.
  | Golden Gate: Post Christmas 2008 |
  | Laura got a concussion on a friend's trampoline. (Not an actual photo of the incident.) |
  | A relative in Ann's family who, it turns out, has descendants near us. |
Golden Gate: Post Christmas 2008 |
Laura got a concussion on a friend's trampoline. (Not an actual photo of the incident.) |
A relative in Ann's family who, it turns out, has descendants near us. |
  | Go, Giants! |
  | Will represented his school district in a regional science competition. He placed first in a couple events, and set a record for the 'penny barge'. |
  | 'Colonial Days' at school |
Go, Giants! |
Will represented his school district in a regional science competition. He placed first in a couple events, and set a record for the 'penny barge'. |
'Colonial Days' at school |
  | Will in Little League |
  | Will in traveling soccer. He's #13. |
  | Greg, Kathleen's boyfriend |
Will in Little League |
Will in traveling soccer. He's #13. |
Greg, Kathleen's boyfriend |
  | Will gets... |
  | ...a haircut! |
  | Grandma and Grandpa McInnis get a puppy. |
Will gets... |
...a haircut! |
Grandma and Grandpa McInnis get a puppy. |
  | Will's baseball team won their league in an exciting upset. |
  | Ann's aunt's birthday party |
  | Will in Little League All-Stars. He's...safe!! |
Will's baseball team won their league in an exciting upset. |
Ann's aunt's birthday party |
Will in Little League All-Stars. He's...safe!! |
  | Will's soccer team won their first-ever tournament |
  | Tom built a media room in the play closet (crummy cell phone photo) |
  | Lovely Petaluma sunset (from the roof of our house) |
Will's soccer team won their first-ever tournament |
Tom built a media room in the play closet (crummy cell phone photo) |
Lovely Petaluma sunset (from the roof of our house) |
  | Our arbor in the side-yard blew down in a storm. |
  | Nancy at Rick and Barb's house |
  | Tom bought a Dell netbook and installed Mac OS X on it. (crummy cell phone photo) |
Our arbor in the side-yard blew down in a storm. |
Nancy at Rick and Barb's house |
Tom bought a Dell netbook and installed Mac OS X on it. (crummy cell phone photo) |
  | We won a pinball machine in a raffle at a Pinball Expo! It's from 1971 and is called '4 Square' |
  | The pinball machine is lots of fun. Seems to be worth as much as $1000 (plus or minus) depending on condition. |
  | We took a wine class this year. Here's Ann on the field trip. |
We won a pinball machine in a raffle at a Pinball Expo! It's from 1971 and is called '4 Square'. |
The pinball machine is lots of fun. Seems to be worth as much as $1000 (plus or minus) depending on condition. |
We took a wine class this year. Here's Ann on the field trip. |
  | ...and here we are with friends (and fellow students) doing research for our wine class presentation. |
  | We got snow on the higher hills in the bay area. It stayed for a couple of days. (crummy cell phone photo from a moving car) |
...and here we are with friends (and fellow students) doing research for our wine class presentation. |
We got snow on the higher hills in the bay area. It stayed for a couple of days. (crummy cell phone photo from a moving car) |